Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Direct Quote: "OMG! It's a house!"

Recently, more walls went up in the house; except this time these walls helped make my house look and feel like a home...

Sheet rock began going up in early/mid January, and it was one of the few moments that I truly freaked out. Being able to touch the walls, walk thru hallways, actually "be in" a room, was such a surreal feeling for me, because I was finally able to take in the fact that this house will be mine. It became more than just beams and wires. I was able to see rooms. Envision where I would sit to do my work, fold laundry, watch tv, and eat dinner. I was able to imagine memories in the making.

That isn't to say that I was not able to see and feel those same emotions before, but now it all seems real. So unbelievably, and amazingly real.

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