Friday, January 4, 2008

Behind the walls

Most of us are fortunate enough to be able to spend a portion of our days at home; whether it be an apartment, house, or condo; or you rent, own, or live off of others. However; how we define "home" is different and personal to each individual, but what is common amongst all are many of the actions we make inside our dwellings. We sleep, we wake, we cook (or microwave), we eat, we relax, we stress, we cry, and we rejoice...the list is virtually endless, but the end result is we make memories in our home.

Each day we go about our routines, and rarely have I stopped to think about how my home came to be. I take for granted what is inside the walls because I am able to see/touch/experience it on a daily basis, but never thought to appreciate what is behind the walls. Until now...

A couple weeks ago, the plumbing, electrical, and mechanical were completed on the house. Each day I went by, I was in awe at the complexity and intricacy of this work. Behind the walls, and under the surfaces lies a complex maze of pipes, wire, and ducts. It truly does take great skill to see a mass of walls and understand how to lock each piece together to complete the perfect puzzle. And having seen how this the three separate puzzles were able to conjoin into one, I now have a much greater appreciation and respect for what is behind the walls.

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