Tuesday, November 6, 2007

In over my head?

I define myself to be a rather intelligent person...I graduated high school with a virtual 4.0 (3.98 if you want to get into specifics), got my B.A., and have a good job in Advertising. But I've learned very quickly that being smart in one field does not necessarily carry over to the next, and before entering a project you should have a basic understanding of what it entails.

I scour Google, do research, look up definitions, in an attempt to better understand what it takes to build a house. But that time spent on those activities can never amount to the many years of experience my dad had physically doing the work. In my world, it would be like someone engaging in interactive advertising though they have never turned on a computer!

I can type, but I can't hammer (very well). I can lead a meeting, but I don't know how to pour cement. I can spam the world with banner ads, but couldn't tell you if plumbing comes before mechanical :) Teaching is MUCH more difficult than doing...it's frustrating...and it's time consuming. And for all those reasons, I want to thank my dad for putting up with my relative ignorance on the subject, for listening to my endless array of stupid questions, and thru it all still loving me enough to continue on. So THANKS DAD!

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