Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The M's could play on my lawn...

Many of baseball's best outfielders have blessed the field that is Safeco. From Griffey...to Buhner...to Ichiro...to the future great of Adam Jones. And that is just naming Mariners! Not to mention all of the visiting teams who have made the trek to the rainy city.

All of them have walked, ran, and played....won and loss...and experienced the game on the grass at Safeco. And well, they could do the same in my yard if they so choose :)

Because the grass at Safeco is the same that is in my yard....straight from Country Field Turf Farm.

If only I cooked!

Beyond the delicacies of mac & cheese and top ramen, my kitchen time over the past six months has pretty much been slim to none :)

But now I have a reason to venture back into the realm of the unknown: The Kitchen!

From my new dishes, to gorgeous cabinets, to stainless steel appliances, and the "bling" (as my dad likes to call it) on my backsplash, I should have no excuse not to spend as much time as possible in my new kitchen. Maybe I'll be adventurous and whip up a bagged meal ;)

My Dad's own Sistine Chapel...

For over 4 and a half years, Michelangelo painted the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. He spent that entire time up on the ceiling to perfect his pristine and intricate masterpieces. About this work, Giorgio Visari said, " anyone who is a painter no longer needs to concern himself about seeing innovations and inventions, new ways of painting poses, clothing on figures, and various awe-inspiring details, for Michelangelo gave to this work all the perfection that can be given to such details."

Like Michelangelo, my Dad had his own Sistine Chapel; though luckily it did not take him four and a half years to complete! He created a cedar masterpiece on my ceiling, and gave to this work all the perfection that can be given to such details.