Monday, February 11, 2008

"Painting is very easy when you don't know how..."

"...but very difficult when you do." ~Edgar Degas

It's a very good thing that we didn't really know what we were doing then ;) A couple weeks ago I had a painting party, since there definitely was not a shortage of walls to paint. I'm lucky enough to have such great friends, who were willing to spend their Saturday doing manual labor and enjoying my wonderful company!

Thanks to Amanda, Brett, Mandy, Goby, John, Raina, and Amy!

Risking life and limb to prime the media center :)

Amanda is painting the sky blue...ok, she's painting my ceiling sky blue.

Latte goes on the wall upstairs, and coffee downtstairs!

My room is a nice and relaxing jade green

And my bathroom is a serene blue...

Of course, the house wouldn't be complete without some crimson (Tibetan Red to be exact!)

1 comment:

Carina said...

Your house looks SO cool! I have new home envy ;)