Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is my dad...Superman???

To those not in the know, people have questioned the identity of Superman for many years. To the average human, he is a man of mystical strength, saving the world one damsel in distress at a time.

To those who believe they are in the know, it is common knowledge that Superman's everday identity is that of Clark Kent. A (slightly geeky) journalist by day, and hero by night.

Well, au contraire mon ami!!! In recent weeks I have come to discover that the true identity of Superman is Mr. Doug Small, aka SuperDad!!! If you don't take my honest and truthful word for it, then I'll pose to you the evidence I have gathered over the last couple weeks.

A. He overpowered the evil forces of the City of Seattle (you villians know who you are!) to allow us to finally break ground in August
B. He helps this damsel in distress (aka; me!) every day
C. In a mere 3.5 months, he took of field of nothing, and turned it into something: a home
D. Lastly, he moved a ton of bricks (with the help of his trusty sidekicks) in under 24 hours!

Evidence of item D noted below:

Each of these bricks weighed 70 pounds!

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